Article archive

22/03/2024 12:30

Poems in Translation

A handful of my poems, taken from my first three books, were translated into Spanish by the Chilean poets Juan Idiaquez and Juan Cameron. Listen to them here, read by Juan Idiaquez: Poems in Spanish.m4a (6088267) The original versions are here: Poems in Spanish Final 02 2024.docx (24205)
28/12/2021 08:51

Interior Dialogues 2.0

On January 29th, 2022, the Federation of BC Writer's will be hosting their second annual Interior Dialogues event, where I'll be leading a workshop entitled Finding Your Poem. You can register for it here.
31/01/2021 06:41

We Have Become Children

My second videopoem collaboration with Erica Goss can be found at Moving Poems
27/06/2020 08:13

Italy, USA, and Canada

I'm pleased to be part of a new videopoem collaboration between artists from three different countries. Entitled I've in the Rain, a poem I wrote for my first book, it was translated by Sandro Pecchiari and captured in video by Erica Goss. 
25/07/2019 09:11

Reviews! Reviews! Reviews!

Seven great reviews of my book, Undiscovered Country,  have come out over the last few months: from Michael Dennis,  Erica Goss, CanLit, the Pacific Rim Review of Books, The Malahat Review,  Thimbleberry (reprinted online here) and Event    
25/07/2019 08:57

Poetry Kitchen Party

The poetry kitchen party is a concept I borrowed from Canadian east coast musicians. Instead of reading to 10-15 people in a noisy coffee shop, why not in someone's home? I tried it out in Vancouver & Nanaimo, and everyone enjoyed the setup: poets could read and be listened to, listeners could...
25/07/2019 08:44

Islands Tour!

I had a fantastic time in spring touring my book on Vancouver Island and Salt Spring. I started off in Nanaimo with Michael Armstrong, who published my very first chapbook in PG, hitched a ride from Duncan to Victoria with Susan Stenson, who I first met at Sage Hill, and read in Victoria and on...
14/10/2018 08:42

Book Launch!

I had a lot of fun launching my book in Vancouver, with four readings in four days, but the icing on the cake was my Prince George launch at Theatre NorthWest. There was drumming by Clayton Gauthier, Spoken Word by K.Darcy Taylor, and a theatrical performance by Melissa Glover and her...
27/03/2018 10:50

The Business of Art

I had a great time running a writing workshop for Studio 2880's Business of Art series. We talked about the craft of poetry and resources for getting published.
28/08/2017 15:55

New Book!

I'm excited to announce that I'll have a new book of poetry coming out in just over a year with Mother Tongue Publishing. It's called Undiscovered Country and is all about the happy fate of our mortality. 

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